Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Old Uni Work (3D Portfolio)

This is the stuff I made for my portfolio at University. Our brief was to create a scene from a novel, aiming for something that had never been done before, that could be placed into a PS2 level game. We had to take a specific few paragraphs and build the scene from that. I chose a section from Drinking Midnight Wine which featured one of my favourite all time characters parlor. Below is the section I took to build my scene up from.

"The Thunder residence is a lot bigger than it needs to be, but then that’s gods for you.

The parlour was really quite impressive, as thunder gods’ parlours went. The room was easily the size of a banqueting hall, with bare wooden floorboards polished to within an inch of their life, under pelts and furs from a variety of large animals, and solid stone walls covered with great metal shields and many displays of crossed weapons. The swords were all over six feet long and looked far too heavy for mortal man to life without the help of a very supportive truss. The ceiling was so high Toby had to crane his head all the way back to look up at it.

Toby decided he’d had enough of being impressed for one day and wandered over to study a row of glass cases in the hope of finding something tacky he could sneer at. The cases held a series of unusual exhibits, each complete with a neatly printed card that provided a name, but no other useful information. Toby moved slowly past The Mirror Of The Sea, Thor’s Gauntlets and Surtur’s Tooth, and was no wiser for the experience.

The first item was remarkably ordinary-looking, and blessedly silent, hand-mirror, in a battered steel frame. It could have been any age, from any period, and there was nothing obviously of the sea about it, until Toby leaned closer for a better look and though he heard, faintly and far away, the sound of whales singing in the deep. The sounds were gone almost as soon as he identified them, and didn’t, return, no matter how closely he pressed his ear against the glass case. He glanced round to see if Gayle had heard anything, but she was still busy being impatient. Toby Straightened up and moved on.
Thor’s Gauntlets were just a pair of ratty old leather gloves, studded with sigils and runes of black iron, all but falling apart despite much patching and mending. And Surtur’s Tooth... was just a bloody big tooth, about ten inches long, culminating in a jagged broken end, as though it had been ripped right out of the jaw of something sufficiently big that Toby decided he didn’t want to think about it."

As you can tell my lighting needed work as does some of my texturing. I'll be redoing

And the still renders are below, plus, some individual item renders.

Iron Man Helmet Test

Not updated in ages. This is my current stuff. Still mostly rough stuff as I build up more skills.

This was a test for a low poly face model with Sub-object materials for that lovely classic Marvel look. I'll be building on this later, introducing shoulders then later full body. I might actually get around animating after raising the polys for more detail.

I added 3 points of light to give the armor more depth, without it looked a little bland and flat.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

First Still Life 3D

Well just finished and posted my first still life 3D. Found some pretty nice techniques whilst doing this. Also found some of my weaker area's when it comes to using Max. The image needs work still but it was purely for level assessment rather than a grade. Submitted the wire mess model as well to show a little more of the models detail. Roses gave me a little trouble as you can just see through the none surface side. A simple correction should fix that though.

Saturday, 10 October 2009

I was set a piece of coursework by University in which I had to design and then make an animated greetings card that could be sent to publishers (Hyperthetically of course). I chose to do the up and coming Aliens: Colonial Marines. Its was all made in After Effects after an hour or so of learning how to use the basic's of that very complex piece of kit. This was made well over a year ago. Since then my use of After Effects has come on in leaps and bounds.
Welcome to my portfolio. Here you'll find various 3D pieces, Concept art and sketches. If anyone would like to see higher resolution images please feel free to contact me and I'll E-Mail them straight to you.